Problem, problem, another problem

Nigeria’s problem is that it has too many problems.

For individuals like you and me, the list includes no electricity, Biodun the plumber refusing to return calls, traffic, and higher prices everywhere—from eggs to Mega Plaza shawarma. 

As for the government, they are grappling with issues from insecurity to dwindling oil revenues in the face of an economy desperate for more expenditure. How do we spend more when our main source of income is falling?

If you asked Nigerians what they would fix if they became president, you might get 200 million different responses. And there again is another problem. The 200 million is a statistic that nobody is sure about. How do we design policies?

Yesterday, I saw a tweet where someone googled “Buhari blames” and took screenshots of the results. I tried it and got tired after the fourth results page. Not only are there a long list

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